Englisch tutoring

Englisch – Tutoring in Nürnberg and surroundings

Find Englisch tutors in your area and start private foreign language lessons in Nürnberg

2 tutors

The number of verified tutors for the query 'Englisch Nürnberg and surroundings'

5 € / lesson

The average price for Englisch tutoring in Nürnberg


Tutoring for secondary schools, Englisch for beginners and advanced students

List of tutors

Englisch: Nürnberg and surroundings


How to learn the foreign language - Englisch in Nürnberg?


Find your language tutor for the subject Englisch at www.meetnlearn.de

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Englisch in Nürnberg - schedule and place

Englisch with your tutor will require time. It is therefore important that you establish a suitable schedule for private lessons together.


Private Englisch lessons - start now, pay conveniently via meet'n'learn

With online payments at meet'n'learn, you and your tutor will get rid of the change, even if your Englisch lessons are in-person, you can pay by a card or via PayPal, too.


The most frequent questions about tutoring

Englisch: Nürnberg and surroundings

Private lessons for Englisch in the surroundings of Nürnberg start from 5 € per hour. The Englisch has an average price of around 20 € per lesson.

The Englisch is available in various parts of the city, including the district of Altstadt und Innenstadt. Several tutors at meet'n'learn offer tutoring for this subject in many different parts of the city of Nürnberg.

Nürnberg has relatively flexible tutors. Tutors for the subject Englisch are available in e.g., the following districts: Altstadt und Innenstadt, Innenstadtgürtel Süd, Innenstadtgürtel West/Nord/Ost, Südöstliche Außenstadt. However, you can improve your skills in the Englisch with our tutors also in other districts such as Südliche Außenstadt, Südwestliche Außenstadt, Westliche Außenstadt, and more. We recommend filtering the tutors at the very beginning - according to where your Englisch classes should take place.

Of course. For most of our tutors, Nürnberg is the main place where they tutor, but Englisch lessons are also offered in the surrounding areas. Other Englisch tutors specialize in language tutoring in the villages of Lauf an der Pegnitz, Wendelstein, Oberasbach, Zirndorf, Feucht or the Englisch in Fürth, the Englisch in Schwabach, etc.

Your Englisch can definitely be improved at the language courses in the city of Nürnberg. On the other hand, with meet'n'learn, Nürnberg offers private tutoring focused on your individual development in a foreign language. The tutor will help you with such a subject as the Englisch, but with a focus on your specific needs: Englisch - pronunciation, Englisch - vocabulary, business Englisch, etc.

Certainly so. Nürnberg is full of cafés that provide enough peace for tutoring languages such as Englisch. If you have a favorite café or a coworking space suitable for tutoring, you can suggest taking your private lessons in the Englisch there. For all the tutors, it is important that your Englisch improves, and Nürnberg offers quite some suitable places.

Yes, the most common option is when the Englisch is tutored online. But, in the city of Nürnberg, the Englisch can be tutored in the form of private lessons at your home. It's all about how you agree with the tutor. If the Nürnberg tutor and the student live in the same part of the city, for example, Altstadt und Innenstadt, why not learn the Englisch at home?

Yes. If you are a group of friends, students, or colleagues and the Englisch is what you want to learn, just tell the tutor directly. Personal lessons within the city of Nürnberg and its surroundings are not a problem for most tutors - this option of tutoring is used, for example, by high school students for whom the Englisch is their graduation subject.