Price list


Online payments

Accept online payments and avoid the hassle

We want to make your tutoring hassle-free

  • Get a guaranteed payment for the lessons tutored

    Students book lessons and commit to paying for tutoring

  • Increase your credibility

    You will receive verified references from students

  • Accept payments by card or via PayPal

    No need to hassle with cash and change, you can accept payments in real-time by card or via PayPal

  • Canceled lesson? Not a problem!

    Our cancellation policy guarantees you will get paid even if a student cancels the lesson at the last minute

  • Become more visible

    You will get a better position in search results, and students will find you faster

  • A money-wise investment

    You will get all these benefits for only a 15% commission for meet'n'learn

googlePay paypal visa
mastercard maestro discover
Contact us
Do not hesitate to contact us Juraj will help you